What is it?
Holland & Barret Live Friendly Bacteria with Acidophilus capsules contain 20 billion bacteria cultures. The bacteria within these high strength capsules come from lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus bulgaricus, lactobacillus salivarus and Bifidobacterium bifidum.
- High Strength, Live Friendly Bacteria Capsules
- Supports Gut Health
- Suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans
What Are the Benefits of This Supplement?
- A whopping 20 billion bacteria cultures are contained in each live friendly bacteria capsule. The bacteria come from the Bifidobacterium and lactobacillus family - a ‘friendly’ bunch – and are naturally found in the vagina, mouth, and gut.
- Gut Health is key to our overall health and plays a significant role in many important functions in the body. Within these capsules there are four live strains, proven to reach the gut alive.